2'nd Affiliate Mistake

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2. Do you support the PROGRAM instead of the PRODUCT?

Many and many times, the subsidiary companies unite a program on two levels of subsidiary company and then create a page indicating of other people to join it. I the 'VE does this myself with LifetimeCustomers.com. However, this site is not my basic activities. He 's right a page, which I created rather quickly.

Feel you free to test this technique, but on top put 'pin of T all your hopes.

Unless you 'on the subject really of skilful to be registered the principal people in the principal places, or can be registered many thousands of subsidiary companies, you 'about step probably to become rich on commissions of second-line.

The people that you are registered will tend to copy you and try to be registered more people. Hootings! That resembles worse aspects of marketing on several levels. Who 's really going TO SELL something and gain commissions?

I in the past read a report/ratio which claimed that my success with the program of subsidiary company of SiteSell is due to the fact that I the 'VE was registered thousands of secondary-subsidiary companies.

This suggestion was right a conjecture idiot - and him 'total waste of S.

Only one tiny percentage of the thousands of dollars which I gain each month of SiteSell is commissions of second-line. I succeeded because I support the PRODUCTS. They 'about the incredibly good value, I believe in them, and I succeeded by saying people thus.

Here 'proof of S that programs of subsidiary company is a hard and competing field.

Try to type programs of subsidiary company in Google. You 'about competition 33.000.000 other pages. Test the expression without quotation marks and you 'about competition 118.000.000 other pages. That 'the gigantic increase in SA in the pages found there are two or three years. [UPDATE: Such are figures of August 2006.]

Support the PRODUCTS.

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